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Contextual Fit

The Smith Family wants to add an extension to their house


on the Long Island Sound. The Smith house was designed


by Richard Meier in 1965. The owners specified that the


original architectural integrity be kept


therefore the original design


must be expanded on rather than destroyed.

Contextual Analysis : 


Narrative : 

The smith house is located on the shore of the Long Island Sound from the Connecticut coast. Although there has been an addition added to the house, the original design was done by Richard Meier. The house is separated by public and private spaces. The private side of the house is at the entrance facing woods while the public spaces where the family meets and entertains is facing the water. The Smith family is looking to extend the house while keeping the original design in place. The family likes spending time together so they’d love a large living room while still keeping a nice view of the water. Although private spaces are originally facing land and woods, Mr. and Mrs. Smith would like a large master bedroom with a nice view of the water as well. They feel like the master bedroom would be their sanctuary and a good private space. A gym would also be an essential additing for the Smith family.



  1. Living Room

  2. Master Bedroom

Preliminary : 

For my preliminary I kept the architectural integrity of the smith house by adding the extension following the structure and circulation.


Floor Plan : 

Final Design  : 

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